This film documents the life of Pete Friesen and his brilliance as a world-renowned engineer. Friesen was recognized as the top structural mover in the world. This film includes the history of his heritage, and how he ended up with a highly successful business. PETE was written, edited, and produced by William Stewart in 2007, with executive producer Peter Rowlands. The run time is 83 minutes, with narration by Dominik Dlouhy, and intro by W. Stewart. This film was dedicated to Pete and Edith Friesen’s sons Peter and Paul.
Pete Friesen was born in the Ukraine in 1922. His life was full of various achievements despite his difficult upbringing and minimal education. Friesen did not allow negative aspects of his past prevent him from accomplishing the unthinkable. This film includes a biography of Friesen, including some years prior to his birth, along with a brief history of Mennonite culture. Growing up years are addressed including Friesen’s family life, school experiences, and that which sparked his interest in engineering at an early age. Old film footage and photographs provide viewers with a sense of the time period, along with re-enacted scenes that contribute to the narrative.
Moving forward, each location that Friesen moved to and from is noted, along with work that he did in such places. Friesen faced many challenges but was recognized for his strong determination. Procedures of his work are discussed thoroughly. Photos, video footage and time lapses show various projects that Friesen engineered with great success. Friesen himself speaks throughout the film recalling his memories of significant instances, and describing his ways of working. Other interviewees commend Friesen for his remarkable skills and purposeful motivation. The film notes the awards that he received, along with the numerous Guinness World Records that he attained. Other aspects of the film include information on the woman he married and their children. This also addresses the unfortunate result of a busy work schedule which affected his sons negatively to the extreme.
This film is informative of Pete Friesen’s life events, and substantial in its content. The film has two short moments of violence where a woman is shot, and a man also. This is not graphic, yet may be unsuitable for young children.
-Teanna Rozek
“Friesen, Peter Dietrich “Pete” (1922–2009)”. Gameo – Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1996-2018 by the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Aug, 2018. Web.
“Pete Moving Man Made Mountains”. William Stewart. Red and Yellow Black and White Productions Inc. 2007.