Tag Archives: Diaries

MHM Book Launch: Janet Boldt


To the Mennonite Heritage Museum Book Launch for:

Janet Boldt’s “The Diary of Emma Mollmann from 1914 to 1923”

Free Event!
March 8, Friday
3pm at the Mennonite Heritage Museum
Meet Janet Boldt
Meet Peter Neudorf

Books available for purchase from the MHM Bookstore.

Through the translating work done by Barbara Boldt and Peter Neudorf, Janet was able to learn so much about her grandmother who called Janet her “soulmate”. The diaries revealed several themes as Emma recorded personal longings, prayers, moments, and tantalizing details of her life during a time of ‘significant upheaval and uncertainty in Ukraine’.

Janet Boldt is Faculty Emerita at Columbia Bible College.

Don’t miss your chance to get your copy of the book and talk to Janet!

2019 03 28 MHM Book Launch Janet Boldt The Diary Of Emma 4Book CoverJanet Boldt February 26 2019