Mennonite Museum Society
The Mennonite Heritage Museum is owned by the Mennonite Museum Society. Established in 2011, the goals of the Society are:
- to engage present and future generations with the Mennonite story through a variety of mediums, including both permanent and temporary exhibits, films, and interactive digital displays;
- to preserve and document the history of Mennonites who came to British Columbia from Russia and Prussia/Poland by maintaining an historical library and an archives;
- to emphasize the important role that agriculture has played in the lives of Mennonites throughout history, and amongst Mennonites in the Fraser Valley today.
President: Peter Redekop
Executive Director: Richard Thiessen
Business Office Address: 210 – 11590 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3Z5 Mennonite Museum Society Charitable Donation Number: 8381 7491 0RR0 001