disPLACE: Refugee Stories in Their Own Words is a compelling and personal account of refugees to Canada. This world-premiere production uses verbatim testimony and original music to offer a glimpse into the refugee experience. From the Mennonite immigrants who fled Europe after World War II, to the current global refugee crisis, the stories brought to life in disPLACE offer a unique glimpse into the bonds that tie all of us together. disPLACE is the inaugural production of Dark Glass Theatre, an initiative of the Humanitas Anabaptist-Mennonite Centre. This new theatre company has a mandate to tell stories that enable us to see, face-to-face, people whom we might not otherwise meet, thereby decreasing judgment, increasing compassion, and fostering empathy.
Thursday, March 2 @ 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Mennonite Heritage Museum, 1818 Clearbrook Rd., Abbotsford, B.C.
Tickets: By donation at the door (suggested minimum $10). To reserve your place, email jessica.darkglasstheatre@gmail.com Partial proceeds go to MCC Refugee Assistance.
Doors open 30 minutes ahead for viewing “Along the Road to Freedom.” This exhibit, by Winnipeg artist Ray Dirks, honours women who brought their families, often without men, out of Russia to safety in Canada and Paraguay.
Story about exhibit: http://www.canadianmennonite.org/articles/along-road-freedom